<Human Voices 人聲>
November, 2020
人 聲
Curator and Producer: Jasmine Cheung
CO-curator: David Chan
Public Programme "Art After Hours"
for Tai Kwun Contemporary
Jasper Fung, Jacklam Ho, Olivier Cong, Feaston

“Art After Hours” this November pivots around the concept of “human voices”, presenting a motley experience of visual and sound art as an elaboration of the audio stimulations and ASMR in Mika Rottenberg’s latest solo exhibition “Sneeze”. Through the exchanges of the human voice are our daily lives built, with meaning conveyed in our day-to-day conversations. Yet before and after any meaning is constituted, the cadence and intonation of the human voice itself is often the vector of nuances that suggests unacknowledged emotions and perceptions. Could sounds, in a certain ambiguous, non-linguistic level, possibly replace human speech and language itself?
This event is going to introduce two original sound performances: the sound artists Jasper Fung and Jacklam Ho, featuring the creative collective Feaston, will perform a remixing of pre-recorded human voices colliding with sounds made with household objects on site. The performance will explore messages unheard of in domestic settings and interpersonal communications. The second act will see the sound artist Olivier Cong perform a live-scoring of Jacques Demy’s 1957 short film Le Bel Indifférent (adapted from Jean Cocteau’s renowned one-act play La Voix Humaine), resonating with the sorrowful female voice that drones on in the film.
十一月「藝術不夜館」 以「人聲」為主題,延伸最新Mika Rottenberg個展「乞嗤」中有關聲音刺激與ASMR的主題,呈獻新穎駁雜的聲色藝術體驗。我們每天在對話中傳遞意義,透過這種人聲的交流建立起日常生活。然而,在意義形成的之前與之後,人聲的抑揚吹息,也盛載著微妙、常被忽略的觸感與情緒。 聲音在某一個鮮少被開發的領域裏,它有可能取代人的講談和語言本身嗎?